Chronic Diseases
The U.S. National Center for health Statistics defines Chronic Diseases as those that last for three (03) or more months. Chronic medical conditions can be differentiated from acute diseases on the basis that an acute condition generally affects a specific part of the human body and responds to treatment, whereas a chronic condition affects very often multiple sites of the human body and may not respond fully to treatment, thus lasting for extended periods of time. These diseases are characterized by periods of remission and possible relapses where the disease reappears after a period of absence.
Diagnosis of Real Causes & Treatments of Chronic Diseases
- Gradual restoration of cellular function
- Personalized therapeutic protocols, without chemical residues and excipients
- Treating the real causes
- Therapeutic formulas that work alone or in combination with any other medication
- Adopting a Molecular / Therapeutic Nutrition Plan
Chronic Diseases have significant health and economic costs worldwide. These medical conditions are responsible for 86% of total deaths in Europe. Diseases such as diabetes can cause serious health issues if left untreated, such as heard diseases, stroke, kidney failure, sexual dysfunction and eyes problems. This complex phenomenon renders helping patients with chronic diseases live a productive and active life, to be of paramount importance.
Most of the chronic diseases are characterized by risk factors that are dietary, lifestyle or metabolic. An unhealthy diet in combination with lack of physical activities, alcohol consumption and tobacco use represent the most significant risk factors for the onset and progress of chronic medical conditions. Other risk factors include bacterial or viral infections, environmental pollutants, stress, access to medical facilities for preventive tests etc.
Unfortunately, there is a big gap between the classical medical approach to chronic illnesses and current research and scientific findings. Integration of innovative research in basic sciences and medical practice is very low. Most physicians and health specialists tend to focus mainly on symptoms and usually fail to address the underlying causes of chronic diseases.